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Helping Leaders Practice Wellness & Restorative Leadership

Here are ways you can work with me to develop your personal leadership journey:


Leadership Strategy Sessions

Abbreviated 70-minute sessions to implement a specific solution


Virtual Masterclass

For leaders looking to overcome burnout and take power back in their professional lives

Coaching Packages

I offer one-on-one and group coaching for mission-based leaders looking to invest in their personal growth on 2 main topics:

From Burnout to Thriving 

Designed to help leaders shift from survival mode to regain their passion and energy


Restorative Leadership

Designed to help leaders develop leadership identity founded in values, trust, and psychological safety

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"Before starting coaching with Sequoia, I was struggling with how to prepare to be a first-time manager. Sequoia really helped me feel more prepared to manage more difficult situations. Sequoia's [coaching] program is tailored toward helping each person use their own values to create an effective team; this approach made me feel valued and empowered as a leader."

Jessica G., New York

Leader in Higher Education

FREE Resources for Leaders Struggling with Burnout


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